Episode 127 – SHOP TALK with Riki Inge of Rikrack


Taking the leap from a full-time job and turning a side hustle into a full-time gig can be scary but rewarding. Today we are talking shop with Riki Inge of Rikrack. Riki, who has a Masters Degree in Textile Design, left her job of 18 years to focus on Rikrack, where she creates beautiful embroidery kits. We chat all about her products, reaching customers and her recent transition from her job. 

About Riki:
Riki Inge is the maker of Rikrack Embroidery Kits. Rikrack kits are your next super fun embroidery project. Bright happy colorful kits come with everything you need for a relaxing embroidery experience that also creates a beautiful artwork for your home. Rikrack kits also make the perfect gift for you crafty bestie. Rikrack was created as a way to stay creative after her twins were born. 

Connect with Riki:
Website | Instagram | Etsy | Pinterest

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CONNECT WITH CAROLINE on her website and Etsy shop.

Episode 126 – Taking a Break from Social Media

Does social media cause you stress? Do you feel like you have to post all the time? Today, we are chatting about our decisions to take a break from social media and how that impacted or didn’t impact our businesses. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the topic too! Head to our Facebook group to join in! Head to the Facebook group to continue the conversation!

Become a supporter of the podcast today! Head to www.patreon.com/creativebizrebellion for more information!

Introducing the Creative Rebel Base: THE place for Creative Rebels to collaborate, learn, and support each other! THE place to go online if you want to connect with, learn from, and support other product-based business owners, artists, and makers. We created this community to help you along your journey, but also to give you a safe place to learn and interact with other like-minded business owners whether you are just starting your biz or have been doing this a while, let’s all move forward TOGETHER!


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CONNECT WITH KELLY on her websites here, here, and her Etsy shop.
CONNECT WITH CAROLINE on her website and Etsy shop.

Throwback – Episode 71 – All About Pinterest with Megan Auman

Hiya Rebels!! We have a throwback episode today with Megan Auman. We chatted all things Pinterest with Megan and this episode is full of information and gems. Megan helps us understand how to look at Pinterest as a “brand magazine” for our product based business, to what kinds of things to pin and how to incorporate it into your marketing strategy. Be sure to take notes!

About Megan

Megan Auman is a designer and metalsmith who has bridged that gap successfully in her business. Not only has she grown her following on Pinterest and Instagram, but she’s successfully leveraged both visual platforms to sell her jewelry. In addition to running her eponymous jewelry line, you’ll find her at designinganmba.com, talking and teaching about the intersection of art and business. 

Connect with Megan
Megan Auman Jewelry | Designing an MBA | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter

Become a supporter of the podcast today! Head to www.patreon.com/creativebizrebellion for more information!

Introducing the Creative Rebel Base: THE place for Creative Rebels to collaborate, learn, and support each other! THE place to go online if you want to connect with, learn from, and support other product-based business owners, artists, and makers. We created this community to help you along your journey, but also to give you a safe place to learn and interact with other like-minded business owners whether you are just starting your biz or have been doing this a while, let’s all move forward TOGETHER!


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CONNECT WITH KELLY on her websites here, here, and her Etsy shop.
CONNECT WITH CAROLINE on her website and Etsy shop.

Throwback – Episode 51 – SHOP TALK with Band of Weirdos


Hey Rebels! We’re bringing back one of our favorite SHOP TALK Episodes. This is with Jacie Anderson-Coovert from Band of Weirdos.  Jacie is the designer behind Band of Weirdos – an accessories and paper goods brand that mixes nerdy loves with nostalgia and sass. She feels pretty passionately that embracing our weirdness is the key to finding our footing in the world. The business was built as a way to bring weirdo people together who might otherwise feel alone.

Where to find Jacie:
Website |  Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Etsy

Become a supporter of the podcast today! Head to www.patreon.com/creativebizrebellion for more information!

Introducing the Creative Rebel Base: THE place for Creative Rebels to collaborate, learn, and support each other! THE place to go online if you want to connect with, learn from, and support other product-based business owners, artists, and makers. We created this community to help you along your journey, but also to give you a safe place to learn and interact with other like-minded business owners whether you are just starting your biz or have been doing this a while, let’s all move forward TOGETHER!


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CONNECT WITH KELLY on her websites here, here, and her Etsy shop.
CONNECT WITH CAROLINE on her website and Etsy shop.

Episode 125 – Managing Multiple Platforms

Two questions we get asked a ton: Should I be on multiple platforms? and How do I manage multiple platforms? Today we are tackling those questions, sharing our experiences with multiple platforms and what you need to think about before jumping on a new one. We also chat about what systems work best for us. We’d love to know what other questions you have about being on multiple platforms! Head to the Facebook group to continue the conversation!

Become a supporter of the podcast today! Head to www.patreon.com/creativebizrebellion for more information!

Introducing the Creative Rebel Base: THE place for Creative Rebels to collaborate, learn, and support each other! THE place to go online if you want to connect with, learn from, and support other product-based business owners, artists, and makers. We created this community to help you along your journey, but also to give you a safe place to learn and interact with other like-minded business owners whether you are just starting your biz or have been doing this a while, let’s all move forward TOGETHER!

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CONNECT WITH KELLY on her websites here, here, and her Etsy shop.
CONNECT WITH CAROLINE on her website and Etsy shop.